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Our Mission:

The men, women, and children of St. John’s reflect God’s love by using His Word to nurture members and to reach out to the world around them.

Worship Schedule

Weekly worship at Jehovah Lutheran in Altura, MN:

Sunday - 9:00am - Traditional worship

Bible Class follows worship.

Weekly worship at St. John's Lutheran in Lewiston, MN:

Thursday - 7:00pm - Traditional worship

Sunday - 8:00am - Traditional worship

Sunday - 10:30am - Traditional worship

Faith Connections - Sunday Bible Study – 9:15am

  • Located in school cafeteria

Mid-week Lenten worship schedule (Wednesdays through April 9):

Jehovah - noon

St. John's - 5:15pm-6:15pm Fellowship meal (all are welcome)

St. John's - 6:30pm Worship

Offerings will be taken at all services by leaving your offering in the plates as you enter or leave - no plates will be passed during the service. You can also check out our Electronic Giving options or go here to Give Now through the website.

We will continue to post services on our YouTube Page .

Gather around God's Word with us!

"But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."
John 20:31

At St. John's we understand that God's Word is everything. It is only through the Word that we understand how desperate our situation before God is due to sin, but also that God sent Jesus Christ to take our place and make us his own once again. It is only this message that can bring true peace and rest to the sin-troubled soul.

Come join us as we gather around God's Word!

Where to find us

St. John's Lutheran Church

180 Williams St.

Lewiston, MN 55952

Phone: (507) 523-2280

Email: info@stjohnslew.org

Click here for Google Maps